Preplanning Your Funeral: 3 Reasons You May Want To Consider Cremation

One of the biggest decisions that you will need to make when preplanning your funeral services is whether you wish to be buried or cremated. While there is no single answer that is right for everyone, many people find that cremation offers some truly unique benefits for them and their loved ones. Continue reading to learn more about a few of the reasons you may want to consider cremation when the time comes for you to say your final goodbye to the world.

Many People Find Comfort In Having A Loved One Nearby 

Providing comfort for your loved ones after you are gone is perhaps the most amazing gift you can give them. In many cases, choosing cremation over a traditional burial will allow you to do just that. This is because the ability to keep their loved one close to them brings comfort to many people. When choosing to be cremated, you are giving your loved ones the ability to keep you at home with them or even to carry some of your ashes with them in a unique piece of jewelry. For many people this feeling of closeness is far more comforting than being able to visit a grave site from time to time.

Cremation Eliminates The Concern That Your Grave May Be Disturbed

When choosing a traditional burial, there is always the risk that your grave site may one day be disturbed. In some cases this may be the result of extreme weather or new construction. It is also possible for your grave site to be vandalized on purpose by criminals. Regardless of what causes the disruption, this can be quite dramatic for the family that you have left behind. Depending upon your own religious views, this possibility may also be worrisome for you as some people believe disrupting a grave site interferes with the afterlife. When choosing to get cremated, you can eliminate this concern for both you and your loved ones. 

Cremation Is Often The More Affordable Option

Whether you are simply trying to keep your funeral costs to a minimum or if your concern is in leaving behind as much of your estate as possible for your loved ones, you will want to consider the price difference between a traditional burial and cremation. In most cases you will find that cremation is the more affordable option since there is no need to purchase a burial plot when choosing this option. Cremation also offers the ability to forego any future costs associated with maintaining your burial site.
